Codevelopment of User Interface, Control and DSP with the HTM Environment

Adrian Freed

Adrian Freed


Collaborative development of audio, musical and multimedia projects requires:

Real-Time Signal Processing Performance

Platform Alternatives

Custom VLSI


RISC workstations, e.g. SGI Indy

SGI Indy: a Computer Music Platform that scales well

Efficient development tools

Fast prototyping and rapid turnaround requires:

Efficient arithmetic performance requires:

Address standard difficulties of vector arithmetic

Encourage reuse of efficient, debugged code

Unit generators include:

Unit generators are combined hierarchically.

Signal flows are managed in small memory arrays that can be thought of as "wires".


Hard real-time Goals

Processor scheduling

HTM user-level scheduler based on standard scheduling features of UNIX

The HTM scheduler directs traffic between:

Scheduler provides:

Good performance of these techniques on SGI workstations depends on this vendor's fast networking implementation and well designed sound driver.

These support the HTM scheduler's use of a single select(2) system call to monitor I/O status, thus obviating excessive overhead due to process context switches.

Memory Allocator

Integration with other tools

Client/Server Architecture

UDP Protocol from the TCP/IP Suite

Example applications

Future directions
