Cyril Drame's Demos

Additive Synthesis is a   
powerful technique 
Additive synthesis is a powerful technique that gives access to the very fine structure of sound. In fact, every partial can be controlled independantly which gives a great degree of freedom for sound manipulation: The amplitude, frequency and phase of every partial can be modified independantly. 
But it is often   
difficult to control
But at the same time, the fact that so many parameters are to be generated in order to synthesize sounds, and the fact that these parameters do not generally have a musical meaning, makes it often difficult to control in a musical way. 
We have a solution Our goal is to build an instrument model that would accept control parameters such as Pitch, Loudness, and other timbral attibutes as inputs, and generate all the spectral parameters necessary for the corresponding synthesis, as outputs. We want to be able to use our model in a real-time context. 
We present results We used two types of models: Neural networks and Memory-based models. We present here some very promising first results with wind instruments (flute, saxophone), string instruments (viola, guitar) and the singing voice. All of the neural net examples work in real-time.