
An Exploration of "THE OTHER" Through Music and Text

Edmund J. Campion: Composition
John Campion: Text and Concept


In L'autre, the age-old artistic contention for ascendancy between poetry and music mirrors the struggle between consciousness and the unconscious. Through a deeply in-woven collaboration between composer Edmund Campion and poet John Campion, L'autre begins with the origins and hopeful emergence of consciousness out of the unconscious the birth of language (the logos) out of a primordial welter of sounds and syllables. The work traces the development of this Ur-relationship through the usurpation and domination of the unconscious by consciousness, the feminine by the masculine. This conflict is portrayed as a modern fear of "The Other" race and culture, (embodied in a tragic utterance of the names of endangered peoples) and gender. As the piece progresses, the kinship between the two elemental principles becomes untenable. After much terrible experience, the repressed feminine, reborn with gnosis, returns with song to offer its counterpart another, different, chance at collaboration.

L'autre is scored for 1 horn, 2 percussion, 1 harp, 1 mezzo-soprano/narrator, and stereo tape. The piece could not have been completed without generous support from IRCAM and the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies.

L'autre [The Other]

Part I 1st half

She is a sow
cooked in the belly
Earth comes of Her.
We offer the skirt of Pele
hips move the sacred hula,
her breath
holy place we are born.

Part I 2nd half

Look at the inner parts
   whatever's hot is mine
You may not take
   whatever's hot is sacred.

Part II


Article 13

...7 children 2nd class
 ...8 children 3rd class
 ...9 children 4th class

    *    *    *

hole boring
split nut
pin polish
sing machines:

brain wing
              a mouth
the animal
we kill]

    *    *    *

[English translation]

So nice a pretty white
nice, all made up,
face topped off
stacks of honey-
blond a Q-tanned
wrapped tight
two shaved shapelies
tucked neat in sheer
raised on ruby-reds.


Si mignone
un si joli visage
tout blanc,
sentièrement maquillé
coiffé de mèches
blondes platinée
des cuisses bien roulées,
couvertes de Nivéa
               toutes deux bien lisses
et joliment faites,
bien moulées dans
               des dim-voiles
très fins,
et réhaussées de hauts
talons rouges.

    *    *    *

Up and
get me
ya know
so what
's left
nobody's nobody
ya take
ya can

[Names: The names of some of these peoples and languages (threatened with extinction) are used in Parts 1 and 2.]

Bella Coola Blackfoot Cayuga Cree Haida Kwakwala Micmac Mohawk Nootka Seneca Tuscarora Tlingit Tsimshian Apache Arapaho Cherokee Choctaw Comanche Crow Lakota Boruca Guatuso Lenca Kekchi K iche Chorti Miskito Popoluca Yaqui Lacandon Yucatec Zapotec Choco Kuna Kolla Mataco Toba Chiquitano Quechua Arawete Kayapo Kreen-Akore Makuxi Nambikwara Parakana Pataxo-Ha-Ha-Hae Tukano Delaware Pichada Otavala Cofan Secoya Arawak AkawaioToba-Maskoy Amarakaeri Ashaninka Matsigenka Lakono Karinja Tigrayan Tuareg Chakma Khumi Khyang Tripua Khasi Knond Kolha Korku Malaipantaram Santal Ratra Tadari Baluch Pathan Vedda Kokotha Pitjantatjara Yirrkala Kanaky Kyaka Tibetan Kazakh Tsembaga Asmat Dayak Ainu Sengoi Kayan Kelabit Kenyah Arakanese Kachin Bontoc Kalinga Kankanai Mbuti Shiluk Akha Chukchi Karachaevsky Khakasy Kanty Laktsy Talysky Yuit Ute Isneg Kainga Yakan Koochis Karen Ifugao Ibaloy Zhuang Hui Inuit Dene Metis Pipil Panare Piaroa Dinka Hadzabe Nez Perce Bribri Javai Uygar Eritrean Fipa Fulbe Onondaga Tarahumara Navajo Guaymi Chriguano Garavo Guarani Gaviao Txukurramae Waimiri-Atraori Embera Guahibo Guambian Paez Efe Twa Wambaya Gurindji Yungngora Chipewyan Huichol Oneida Hopi Chol Chuj Xavante Yagua Bari Aguaruna Bhil Bhilala Chencha Dandami Garo Gond Ho Vasara Dani Huli Tahitian Yi Zhuang Chimbo Manchu Iban Penan Chin Shan Hanunoo Lahu Lisu Charma Maranao Bangsa Moro Innu Cheyenne Shoshone Mixe Nahua Rama Sumu Aymara Ayoreo Mapuche Arara Asurini Yanomami Wayuu Siona Waorani Shuar Yanesha Afar Nuer Maasai Zhu Twasi Marma Murung Lushai Mizo Munda Maori Meo Chamorro Cham Nung Yao Saami Mojo Oraon Oromo San

Part III 1st half

Go to the waters, pull out a stone
and place it in a flame;
then pull out the heart,
releasing with words,
a field of flowers.

No thing but in relation.
Deepening others, we become ourselves
the spark leaps with synaptic faith.
Only one great thing sings me
when I am mindful.

Lakes cannot abide their depths being

[French translation]

Va aux eaux, prends une pierre
et mets-la dans une flamme;
puis retire-lui le coeur,
lebérant un champ de fleurs par des mots

Tout n'est que relation
En approfondissant les autres, nous devenons nous-mêmes
I'étincelle saute par sa foi synoptique.
Il n'y a qu'une chose qui me chante
lorsque je suis attentive

Les lacs ne peuvent supporter le sondage de leurs profondeurs;

[Spanish Translation]

Vaya al agua, saque una piedra,
y metelo en una flama;
luego, remueve el corazón
y libera con palabras
un campo de flores.

Nada sino en relación.
Profundizando en el otro,
llegamos a ser nosotros
la chispa salta con fe sináptica.
Hay una sola cosa que me canta
cuando atento estoy.

El lago no sufre que su abismo sea

    *    *    *

Horn Solo

Part III 2nd half


She is memory,
a girl with shining face and eyes of a bird
hiding presents under Her dress

Like rivers to the mill
roots connect underground.
Pull one up
a star falls from the sky.

Joining mouth and tail
hands turn the heavens
calendar, pitch pipe, so close,
you cannot slip a hair between.


The woman with her dragon horse
divines the path to paradise.

THE OTHER (Extended version)


[Part I 1st half:]


She is a sow
cooked in the belly
Earth comes of Her.
We offer the skirt of Pele
--hips move the sacred hula,
her breath
holy place we are born.
 TEXT          Distinct Letters this pass 	Accumulated essential sounds


She is a sow                 She is a s    Sh---e-----i--is----za--- s---
cooked in the belly          i e y         i---uh----e-----
Earth comes of her.          E o es o      E--uh----s----uh
We offer the skirt of Pele   se  e s o     e---uh---s---uh
--hips move the sacred hula  i s e s a     i---s-----uh--s---ah---
 --her breath geothermal     G a           Gee---ah---
holy place we're born        y se e        e--s--e---

                    Combined accumulated sounds

S Sh She e he i si shi Shis sis is his i eh ehe ehe se see ses seis suh 
shuh shush hush ush sush    

She is a sow                   h ow         She-----is---za--sow
cooked in the belly            -----        i---uh---e-----
Earth comes of her.            r h er       er--uh--s--uh---her
We offer the skirt of Pele     of er ir     e--af--er---uh---s--i--er--uh
--hips move the sacred hula    h r h  	   h-i-s----uh--s--r---h--ah
her breath geothermal          h er er      her-r---gee--er-uh--ah
holy place we're born.         h r r        h---e---s---e---er

shau sow how wow ow hour rau rour sour sa ur saur suffer sauffer fur 
faur hoss hosser ers hers herse 


She is a sow                 ----------      She----is---za---sow  
cooked in the belly          oo e (cooked)   oo---eh---i---uh---e
 Earth comes of her.         ------          er--uh--s--uh--her
We offer the skirt of Pele   W e (eh) e (eh) We--af--er--uh--s--er--h--uh--eh--eh--
--hips move the sacred hula  o  a  e (eh) u  h-i-s-oo--uh--s--ai--er--eh--h-oo-ah 
her breath geothermal        e (eh)          her-r-eh-gee--er--uh--ah
holy place we're born.       a (place) w     h---e---ai---s---we---r---r-

hoos hoo oo hooey woowey we wu woos shwoos she woosh shwauwer sure 
shower woofer fu few foos fooser foowey we fewey few fish shiff shafe
hay fay way shay ray say 


She is a sow                 ---------    She is a  sow
cooked in the belly          n th         oo---eh---in---the---eh--e
Earth comes of her.          th m         Earth--uh--muhs--uh--her
we offer the skirt of Pele   f th         We--offer--the--s--er---uh--eh--eh--
--hips move the sacred hula  m th         h-i-s-moo--the--s--ai--er--eh--h-oo--ah 
her breath geothermal        th th m      her-r-eh-th-gee--th--er--m--uh--ah
holy place we're born.       n            h---e---ai---s---we---r---r----n

shiffin fin in fith fifth shifth thith this thoo thoos zeus noose nas nath nay 
nays now nows nower nowser nouse house shouse rouse rouser houser wouther 
wouse nouse mouse moose me mem mush mow mower mur murf murffer
murrer murse murs shursh shurth murth mew mewey muse mwe mwiff wiff 


She is a sow                   -------         She is a sow
cooked in the belly            l l             oo---eh---in---the---eh--el--l--e
 Earth comes of her.           f (of v sound)  Earth--uh--muhs--of--her
We offer the skirt of Pele     f (of) l        We--offer--the--s--er---of--eh--el--eh--
hips move the sacred hula      v l             h-i-s---move--the--s--ai--er--eh--hula
her breath geothermal          l               her-r-eh-th-gee--th--er--m--uh--ah--el
holy place we're born.         l l             h--el-e---el--ai---s---we---r--r-n

wiffly nifly lee shelee shisly shis leeshuh lush lour lover never lever lith lilith 
loo loowers lau lauly lish loser sool fool furm fursh firth firthy thoose loose 
louse vows vurs vee sheeve vush salve furve hurve murve voos voosey shover 
mover shiv thiv niv nave save have fave view 


She is a sow                 ------    She is a sow
cooked in the belly          c k d     coo--k--eh--d---in---the---eh--el--l--e
Earth comes of her.          c         Earth--cuh--muhs--of--her
We offer the skirt of Pele   k t       We--offer--the--s-k-er-t--of--eh--el--eh--
hips move the sacred hula    c d       h-i-s-move-the-s-ai-k--er-eh- d--eh--hula
her breath geothermal        -----     her-r-eh-th-gee--th--er--m--uh--ah--el
holy place we're born.       ----      h--el-e---el--ai---s---we---r--r--n

koo cook ked cookt cookin cookay come comes comemuh comemook mooks 
shooks hooks hulks sulks wulks key koosh cush tush tea tur cue kwower kwiff 
kwaff kwiffin gwiff griffin griffink fink ferink sufferink rink kower kur kurse 


She is a sow                  -----   She is a sow
cooked in the belly           B       cooked in the belly
Earth comes of her.           -----   Earth comes of her
We offer the skirt of Pele    P       We offer the skirt of Pele
--hips move the sacred hula   ----    hips move the sacred hula
her breath geothermal         b       her breath gee--th--er--m--uh--ah--el
holy place we're born.        p       h--el-e---p--el--ai---s---we---r--b--r--n    

brew bree bray brees breeze brush brash brow brower blab blouser blowee 
kabloowee blue bluer blif fib filth fifth fain faust broom burn berm biew pew 
peeyou yip yee yeep peep pip lip ship push pish pow power puffer poo poowee 
woop pin pith pass pain pow purs purse 


She is a sow                --------  She is a sow
cooked in the belly         -------   cooked in the belly
Earth comes of her.         ------    Earth comes of Her.
We offer the skirt of Pele   -----    We offer the skirt of Pele
--hips move the sacred hula  ------   --hips move the sacred hula--
her breath geothermal        o        her breath geothermal
holy place we're born.       o o      holy place we're born.

pose shows hose rows foes nose goes sews those mose woes


* * *


[Part I 2nd half:]


Thieves go by night

to rob Her.


Look at the inner parts

whatever's hot is mine

You may not take

whatever's hot is sacred.


[Part II 1st half:]






Cone-clutch           ON THE INSTITUTION OF THE  So nice a pretty white   
clamps                MOTHERHOOD MEDAL           nice, all made up, 
the hole-boring       AND ORDER OF MOTHERHOOD    face topped off 
split nut             GLORY, AND ESTABLISHMENT   stacks of honey-
pin polish            OF THE TITLE OF HONOR      blond a Q-tanned 
and morti-sing        HEROINE MOTHER.            wrapped tight
     	                                          two shaved shapelies 
machines              Article 13                 tucked neat in sheer  
                                                 raised on ruby-reds. 
a brain, wings,
legs,                 ...7 children 2nd class                 
a mouth,              ...8 children 3rd class
[happy instinct
with reason combined
co-ordinating         ...9 children 4th class
a single production line.]
over the wall,      
the animal we kill.



Had a little bird and its name was Enza

I opened the window and in- flew-Enza. [will probably be cut.]

[Part 2 2nd half]


[Group I--Hard sounds]



Bella Coola Blackfoot Cayuga Cree Haida Kwakwala Micmac Mohawk Nootka Seneca

Tuscarora Tlingit Tsimshian Apache Arapaho Cherokee Choctaw Comanche Crow Lakota

Boruca Guatuso Lenca Kekchi K iche Chorti Miskito Popoluca Yaqui Lacandon Yucatec

Zapotec Choco Kuna Kolla Mataco Toba Chiquitano Quechua Arawete Kayapo Kreen-Akore

Makuxi Nambikwara Parakana Pataxo-Ha-Ha-Hae Tukano Delaware Pichada Otavala Cofan

Secoya Arawak Akawaio Toba-Maskoy Amarakaeri Ashaninka Matsigenka Lakono Karinja

Tigrayan Tuareg Chakma Khumi Khyang Tripua Khasi Knond Kolha Korku Malaipantaram

Santal Ratra Tadari Baluch Pathan Vedda Kokotha Pitjantatjara Yirrkala Kanaky Kyaka Tibetan

Kazakh Tsembaga Asmat Dayak Ainu Sengoi Kayan Kelabit Kenyah Arakanese Kachin Bontoc

Kalinga Kankanai Mbuti Shiluk Akha Chukchi Karachaevsky Khakasy Kanty Laktsy Talysky Yuit

Ute Isneg Kainga Yakan Koochis Karen Ifugao Ibaloy Zhuang Hui Inuit Dene Metis Pipil Panare

Piaroa Dinka Hadzabe Nez Perce



[Group 2--Medium]


Bribri Javai Uygar Eritrean Fipa Fulbe Onondaga Tarahumara Navajo Guaymi Chriguano Garavo

Guarani Gaviao Txukurramae Waimiri-Atraori Embera Guahibo Guambiano Paez Efe Twa

Wambaya Gurindji Yungngora


[Group 3--Soft Sounds]


Chipewyan Huichol Oneida Hopi Chol Chuj Xavante Yagua Bari Aguaruna Bhil Bhilala Chencha

Dandami Garo Gond Ho Vasara Dani Huli Tahitian Yi Zhuang Chimbo Manchu Iban Penan Chin

Shan Hanunoo Lahu Lisu Charma Maranao Bangsa Moro Innu Cheyenne Shoshone Mixe Nahua

Rama Sumu Aymara Ayoreo Mapuche Arara Asurini Yanomami Wayuu Siona Waorani Shuar

Yanesha Afar Nuer Maasai Zhu Twasi Marma Murung Lushai Mizo Munda Maori Meo

Chamorro Cham Nung Yao Saami Mojo Oraon Oromo San


[Part III 1st half:]


                                               [Spanish Translation]                                  
Go to the waters, pull out a stone              Vaya al agua, saque una piedra,
and place it in a flame;                        y metelo en una flama;
then pull out the heart,                        luego,  remueve el corazon
releasing with words,                           y libera con palabras
a field of flowers.                             un campo de flores.

No thing but in relation.                       Nada sino en relacion.
Deepening others, we become ourselves            Profundizando en el otro, 
      llegamos a ser nosotros 
--the spark leaps with synaptic faith.          --la chispa salta con fe sinÝptica.
Only one great thing sings me--                 Hay una sola cosa que me canta--
when I am mindful.                              cuando atento estoy.

Lakes cannot abide their depths being plumbed.   El lago no sufre que su abismo sea plomado.

[French Translation]


[3ème partie, 1ère moitié:]

Va aux eaux, prends une pierre
et mets-la dans une flamme;
puis retire-lui le coeur,
lebérant un champ de fleurs par des mots

Tout n'est que relation
En approfondissant les autres, nous devenons nous-mêmes.
l'étincelle saute par sa foi synoptique.
In n'y a qu'une chose qui me chante--
lorsque je suis attentive

Les lacs ne peuvent supporter le sondage de leurs profondeurs;



[Part III 2nd half




The thing She bears is memory.
The girl with shining face and eyes of a bird
goes down to the water hiding presents.
When she lifts Her dress
how fragrant like the green corn cooked in a pit.

From her pouch shall break the new water.

Like rivers to the mill
roots connect underground.
When you pull one up

a star falls from the sky.

Joining mouth and tail
hands turn the heavens
--calendar and pitch pipe, so close,
you cannot slip a hair between.
The signature broad in a leaf
twists my shoot with joy.


The woman with her dragon horse
divines the path to paradise.