CAST Transforms: Drop Partials

revised 2/3/98


Some partials that would normally be played are omitted from the synthesis. There are two ways to specify which partials to drop: by partial index number or by frequency. (Partial index numbers start at 0 and are expressed as integers; frequencies are in Hertz.)


Message Argument(s) Type(s) Description
min_index Minimum partial index to be heard Int Default is 0. When this is higher than 0, the lowest-numbered partials will be silent.
max_index Maximum partial index to be heard Int Like min_index only different.
min_freq Minimum partial frequency to be heard (Hertz) Float Partials with frequencies lower than this number will be silenced.
max_freq Maximum partial frequency to be heard (Hertz) Float Partials with frequencies higher than this number will be silenced.
normalize 0 for "no", 1 for "yes" Int Whether to normalize overall energy when dropping partials. If yes, then when partials are dropped, the amplitudes of the remaining partials will be increased by an appropriate amount.