Musical Applications of Resonance Models

Adrian Freed, November 1999


We continue to explore the musical potential of resonance models originally formulated in [Barrière et al 1985; Potard et al 1986]. This followed earlier work on synthesis based on tuned filters to model acoustic resonances of physical systems [Wawrzynek et al 1984, Rodet et al 1984-2]. The basis of these methods is to extract filter parameters by analyzing recorded sounds and exciting a bank of these filters with synthesized, sampled or live excitations.

In 1988 Adrian Freed developed a novel 2-d graphical representation of resonances [Barriere, J-B, et al 1989] and integrated resonances into the MacMix sound editing and modeling environment.

Resonance Engines

The Reson8 DSP multiprocessor was originally developed to implement resonance models.

A resonator bank is part of the HTM unit generator library and has been used in a subtractive synthesis implementation.

CAST has a timbral prototype that implements resonance models using additive synthesis.

Recent Work

Recent work includes a 3-D user interface for viewing and editing resonance models. This is built on Open-GL extensions to TCL/TK developed by Amar Chaudhary. One interesting feature of this research is that the visual prototypes were developed in VRML.

The current resonance editor which is part of OSE shows ersonance like this:


OSE edits SDIF representations which now include a general format for resonance models.

Adrian Freed has developed new MAX/MSP external signal processing objects for manipulating and synthesizing resonance models, both as filters and by additively synthesizng their impulse response.

Amar Chaudhary has added resonance models to the OSW environment.


Chaudhary, A., A. Freed, et al. A 3D Graphical User Interface for Resonance Modeling. International Computer Music Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, CMA.

Chaudhary, A., A. Freed, et al. OpenSoundEdit: An Interactive Visualization and Editing Framework for Timbral Resources. International Computer Music Conference, Ann, Arbor, Michigan.

T. Jehan, A. Freed, and R. Dudas (1999), "Musical Applications of New Filter Extensions to Max/MSP", proceedings of the ICMC, Beijing, China.

M. Wright, A. Chaudhary, A. Freed, S. Khoury, and D. Wessel (1999), "Audio Applications of the Sound Description Interchange Format Standard", proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 107th Convention.

Barriere, J-B, Baisnee, P-F, Freed, A., Baudot, M-D, A Digital Signal Multiprocessor and its Musical Application, Proceedings of the 15th International Computer Music Conference, Ohio State University, 1989, Computer Music Association.

Barrière J-B., Potard Y., Baisnée P-F. (1985), Models of Continuity between Synthesis and Processing for the Elaboration and Control of Timbre Structures, Proceedings of 1985 International Computer Music Conference,Vancouver, Computer Music Association, pp.193-198.

McIntyre M. E., Schumacher R. T., Woodhouse J. (1983), On the Oscillations of Musical Instruments, Journal Acousic Society of America 74(5).

Potard Y., Baisnée P-F., Barrière J-B., (1986), Experimenting with Models of Resonance Produced by a New Technique for the Analysis of Impulsive Sounds, Proceedings of 1986 International Computer Music Conference, La Haye, Computer Music Association, pp.269-274

Wawrzynek J.C., Tzu-Min Lin, Mead C. A., Liu H., Dyer L. (1984), A VLSI Approach to Sound Synthesis, Proceedings 1984 International Computer Music Conference, Paris, Computer Music Association.