class tsData1Element : public tsNodeElement

Element for storing all one dimensional signal data


Public Methods

virtual SoElement* copyMatchInfo()
Inventor internal: Create and return a copy of this element
static const tsData1Element* getInstance(SoState *state)
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state
static const tsDataBase* getPtr(SoState *state, SoNode *node)
Returns the pointer stored in the current (and therefore valid) element in the stack. Inline for speed.
static SoType getType(SoState *state)
Returns the type stored in the current (and therefore valid) element in the stack. Inline for speed.
virtual void init(SoState *state)
Initializes this element.
static void initClass()
Makes this class known to the OpenInventor type system.
virtual SbBool matches(const SoElement *elt)
Inventor internal: Returns TRUE if the element matches another element, based on node-id.
virtual void pop(SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)
virtual void push(SoState *state)
Inventor internal: Pushes/pops element
static void set(SoState *state, const tsDataBase * dataNode, SoType dataNodeType)
Sets the data the element to be stored and propagated.
virtual ~tsData1Element()

Private Fields

const tsDataBase* nodePtr
SoType nodeType

Private Methods

virtual void setElt( const tsDataBase * nodePtr, SoType nodeType)
non static set method.
Inventor macro

Inherited from tsNodeElement:

Private Methods



Data that is propagated

const tsDataBase* nodePtr
A pointer of class tsDataBase to cover all tsData nodes.
SoType nodeType
A type, most often used to store the type of the node pointed to by the pointer.


Element for storing all one dimensional signal data. Element for storing a pointer to a node derived from tsData1Base for propagating all 1 dimensional signal data. Note: Elements are an internal class family, that is used for Inventor's traversal mechanism and are NOT used for black box use of tsKit.
Inventor macro

virtual void init(SoState *state)
Initializes this element.

static void set(SoState *state, const tsDataBase * dataNode, SoType dataNodeType)
Sets the data the element to be stored and propagated.

static const tsData1Element* getInstance(SoState *state)
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state

static const tsDataBase* getPtr(SoState *state, SoNode *node)
Returns the pointer stored in the current (and therefore valid) element in the stack. Inline for speed.

static SoType getType(SoState *state)
Returns the type stored in the current (and therefore valid) element in the stack. Inline for speed.

virtual SbBool matches(const SoElement *elt)
Inventor internal: Returns TRUE if the element matches another element, based on node-id.

virtual SoElement* copyMatchInfo()
Inventor internal: Create and return a copy of this element. The only operation supported by the copy is matches() (the copy will be unitialized except for the nodeId).

virtual void push(SoState *state)
Inventor internal: Pushes/pops element. Allows for side effects to occur. Default methods do nothing.

virtual void pop(SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)

static void initClass()
Makes this class known to the OpenInventor type system.

virtual ~tsData1Element()

virtual void setElt( const tsDataBase * nodePtr, SoType nodeType)
non static set method.

const tsDataBase* nodePtr

SoType nodeType

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

This page is part of the tsKit's reference manual by Andreas Lücke.
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