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Chapter Overview

This chapter gives an overview of the essential structures of the work and how it can be used.

System Engeneering

The largest part of the software built in this thesis is done as an extension of Open Inventor. Open Inventor is a powerfull C++ library providing classes, building blocks, and mechanisms for handling interactive 3D graphics at a high level of abstraction. For a summary of Open Inventor see [23]. TsKit is an extension of Open Inventor providing specialized classes, building blocks, and applications for visualizing sound with animated 3D graphics and synchronized audio playback.

The central data structure of Open Inventor and tsKit is the scene graph, a graph of nodes. Nodes are containers for properties and data, stored in typed fields. The scene graph is the description of a 3D scene that is rendered by Open Inventor using the low level graphics API OpenGL. TsKit comes as a set of additional nodes, all having the prefix 'ts'.

See figure 2.1 for an overview of the system architecture.

Figure 2.1: The schema shows the software architecture of tsKit.

See figure 2.2 for the structure of a simple scene graph and how it is rendered in a viewer window. The scene starts with a root node (SoSeparator) and contains standard nodes and tsKit nodes: A master clock (tsTime) and its graphical control user interface (tsTimeCtrlUI), a node containing a small two-dimensional signal (tsData2RNFloat), a standard node containing a color ( SoMaterial), and finaly a node that renders the signal to a surface ( tsSurface). Figure 2.3 in the next section shows the corresponding file in the Open Inventor file format and C++ source code creating this scene.

Figure 2.2: A schematic view of a simple Open Inventor/tsKit scene graph (bottom) and loaded into a standard viewer with ivview helloTsKit.iv (top).

Software Overview

TsKit offers the following building blocks as nodes and applications:

Nodes - Building Blocks for the Scene Graph

tsTime : Master Clock.
This node contains a automatically updating clock with fields 'time' and 'speed'.

tsTimeCtrlUI : GUI to control the Master Clock.
This node offers sliders to change the fields 'time' and 'speed' of the master clock and command buttons for 'play', 'play backwards', 'stop', 'go to start', and 'go to end'.

tsData1[R|N]Float[File] : Store one-dimensional signal data.
These nodes store one-dimensional signal data as float values, regularly and non-regularly sampled. Regularly sampled signals can be read directly from an audio file (AIFF, AIFC, and others) and can be subsampled to save memory space.

tsLine : Rendere a one-dimensional signal.
This node draws a one-dimensional signal to a line strip connecting the sampled values. It shows the complete signal or only an interval around the point in time dictated by the master clock (tsTime).

tsData2RNFloat[File] : Store two-dimensional signal data.
These nodes store two-dimensional signal data as float values. The signal is sampled regularly in time and non-regularly in the second dimension. Signals can be read directly from an file containing spectral data of an audio file.

tsSurface : Rendering a two-dimensional signal.
This node draws a two-dimensional signal as a surface connecting the sampled values. It shows the complete signal or only an interval around the point in time dictated by the master clock (tsTime).

tsAudio : synchronized audio playback.
This node plays an audio file from a tsData1RFloatFile node, synchronized to the master clock's time and speed.


tsSceneViewer : Simple scene graph editor.
This program is an extension of the SceneViewer, coming as part of the demonstration source code of Open Inventor. The iconic scene graph viewer gview is integrated for creating new nodes and editing fields of nodes.

tsRenderer : Simple movie file renderer.
This program renders an Inventor scene graph file into animated frames of a movie file (JPEG compressed).

How to use tsKit

The tsKit can be used in several ways:

Scripting an ASCII file:
The fastest way to use tsKit is to write an ASCII text file in the Open Inventor file format. The file describes a layout of nodes and is loaded it into a viewer program to view it as a 3D scene. You can use viewergif such as ivview, which is distributed with Open Inventor, or tsSceneViewer, which is part of tsKit. Figure 2.3 a) shows the ASCII text file of a simple scene. See The tsKit Reference Manual for detailed documentation of programs, example files and nodes to be used in a scene description. This is the most recommended way to use tsKit, because this usage was stressed in the developement and tested most.

Figure 2.3 (a) shows a simple Open Inventor ASCII file.

C++ Programming:
Open Inventor and tsKit offers its full functionality and flexibility via the programming language C++. The tsKit Reference Manual offers a complete documentation of all classes.

Because tsKit is still a prototype, creating and arranging tsKit objects in a C++ program has not yet been extensively tested.

Deriving new classes:
The usage of tsKit as a framework by deriving new C++ classes from existing classes requires most knowledge, of the tsKit system, but offers very intersting perspectives. See subsection 5.2 for some planed extensions of tsKit.

Because tsKit is still a prototype, deriving new tsKit classes is not yet documented but quite possible and desired.

Figure 2.3 and 2.2 show a simple layout of signal data in different representations.

Figure: The scene graph from fig. 2.2 described in an ASCII Open Inventor file (right) and as C++ source code that generates this scene graph and renders it in a viewer (left).

Application Scenario

This section shows a realistic application of how a sound is visualized with tsKit as an animated 3D graphics with synchronized audio playback.

Representations of Sound

One application of tsKit is to visualize sound signals. There are at least two representations of sounds that are interesting for examinations. Figure 2.4 shows a sound in both representations. First the time domain signal. This is the waveform of the airpressure over time and is widely used to store audio, e.g., on a CD. The second representation is the time-frequency domain signal. Here a time-frequency distribution is applied to the time domain signal to generate a two-dimsional signal. This signal describes the energy/amplitude of a sound in time and frequency and is also called spectrogram. To represent the frequency components and how they evolve over time is an essential instrument for understanding many signals and is not only used for sounds.

Figure 2.4: Figure showing one sound signal of 2 seconds in the time domain (top) and the time-frequency domain (bottom).

The time-frequency domain is more interesting for studying sounds, because it gives a better understanding in how a sound soundsgif.

Generating a Data Set

This section describes how to prepare a sound to be visualized with tsKit.

The time domain signal can be read directly into tsKit. The node tsData1RFloatFile has a field for a file name of a sound file and reads it in the first time, when the data is needed for rendering . The format of the soundfile can be AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format), AIFC, WAV, MPEG1 and some others. The frequency-domain signal must first be generated from a time-domain audio signal. In tsKit/bin/gif there is a program cqt3 from D.P.W. Ellis that does a constant-Q wavelet analysis of a AIFF file. See [8] and [7] for a detailed description of this analysis program. The program reads an audio file (AIFF/AIFC) and outputs a file with the extension ' .aqt'. Here is how to analyze an example audio file :

cqt3 -o 8 -g .25 mySoundfile.aiff
These option settings are suggestions and can be changed.

Because the .aqt file is very big and the results can be accessed only with low performance, I wrote a converter tsKit/bin/aqt2gridcompl taking an .aqt file and outputing the relevant data in compact binary format with an extension '.grid'. This conversion is very slow! Here is how a .aqt file is converted into a .grid file containing <numberOfRows> spectra, that can be read into a node of class tsData2RNFloatFile:

aqt2gridcompl mySoundfile.aqt mySoundfile.grid <numberOfRows>

The last parameter is the number of rows the .grid file will contain. Here is how to calculate this value: With a suggested sample frequency of 60 spectra per second and a sound duration of <length>gif seconds it is:
<numberOfRows> = <duration> sec * 60 rows/sec..

Figure 2.5: This Firgure shows a schematic application scenario of how tsKit is ment to be used. It shows the scene graph of file Expl.Application.iv loaded in the tsSceneViewer (bottom, right) and as a graph of node-icons (top). These nodes that are part of the tsKit begin 'ts' and are marked with a cricle around their icons. Arrows denote how nodes are visualized or edited in dialogs.

Now you have to write a ASCII text file in the Open Inventor file format to view your data in a viewer. Take an example file ( tsKit/data/ivfiles/*.iv) as a template and substitute the references to the auidio files with the your file names.

Rendering a Movie

The animated 3D graphics can be rendered into a movie file in non-real-time. Here is how the example file from above ( myInventorFile.iv) is rendered in a movie called of length 4 seconds, at a speed of 0.5:

tsRenderer -l 4.0 -s 0.5 -o myInventorFile.iv

After you have chosen a perspective press the 'R' button to start the rendering.

The compression scheme is SGI-JPEG, the frame rate is 30 Hz and the frame size is 640x480.

See The tsKit Reference Manual for detailed information.

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Andreas Luecke
Mon Sep 15 10:08:08 PDT 1997