Explore essential dimensions of the African civilization through the dance-drumming:

Dance-drumming Celebrates Life
Religious Culture
Military Culture
Social Culture
Polyrhtymic Organization
Drums And Drumming
Exotic Costumes
Dance Agahu Lesson Plan
Kusum Africa

Polyrhythmic Organization

Polyrhythm is a general and non-specific term for the simultaneous occurrence of two or more conflicting rhythms, of which, the term cross-rhythm is a specific and definable subset. While all examples of cross-rhythm would also be examples of polyrhythm, all examples of polyrhythm would not necessarily be examples of cross-rhythm. Cross-rhythm should be properly reserved to define rhythmic/metric contradiction which is regular and systematic and which occurs in the longer span: that is, systematic rhythmic/metric contradiction that significantly disrupts the prevailing meter or accent pattern of the music.

In Anlo-Ewe cultural understanding, polyrhythm is a highly developed systematic interplay of varying rhythmic motions simulating the dynamics of contrasting moments or emotional stress phenomena likely to occur in actual human existence.
As a preventive prescription for extreme uneasiness of mind or self-doubt about one's capacity to cope with impending or anticipated problems, these simulated stress phenomena or cross-rhythmic figures are embodied in the art of dance-drumming as mind-nurturing exercises to modify the expression of the inherent potential of the human thought in meeting the challenges of life. The premise is that by rightly instituting the mind in coping with these simulated emotional stress phenomena, intrepidity is achieved.

Intrepidness, or resolute fearlessness, in Anlo-Ewe view, is an extraordinary strength of mind. It raises the mind above the troubles, disorders and emotions which the anticipation or sight of great perils is calculated to excite. It is by this strength that ordinary people become heroes, by maintaining themselves in a tranquil state of mind and preserving the free use of their reason under most surprising and terrible circumstances.